OLA 3.0

OLA 3.0

The OLA 3.0 provided tested software solutions that are fully compliant with the values and regulations of the Erasmus+ programme.

Started: 2019

Funding: Erasmus+ Key Action 2

Project budget: 399,998 €

Length: 2.5 years

Partners: 11


Building from previous projects, the Online Learning Agreement 3.0 has become the reference implementation for digital Learning Agreements in the context of the 2021-2027 Erasmus programme, as per the European Student Card Initiative.

A major innovation in the European Higher Education Area (and beyond), OLA 3.0 has radically changed the way HEIs handle the organisation of mobility flows paving the way towards a harmonious and streamlined mobility management based on the once-only principle, which implies interconnecting all services into a single online entry point for staff and students.

Under the framework of OLA 3.0, the new Online Learning Agreement ensures full compliance of mobility management procedures with the GDPR and data protection requirements.

Additionally, OLA 3.0 produced a considerable number of user-friendly digital resources aimed at providingtargeted guidance for smooth management of mobilities. The informative, easy-to-use support material include articles, video tutorials (for students and HEIs), webinars (here, here and here) and more.


Partners: EUF, University of Alcalá (Spain), University of Bergen (Norway), University of Vienna (Austria), University of Warsaw (Poland), Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University (France), University  of Luxembourg (Luxembourg), Erasmus Student Network, University of Marburg (Germany), Aristotle University Of Thessaloniki (Greece)