Erasmus+ Project Manager and Advisor Community

Sharing Expertise and Strengthening Cooperation for and through Erasmus+ Projects

Since 2014, in collaboration with member universities, we have collectively applied for nearly 100 EU-funded projects, many pioneering innovation in the Erasmus+ programme. However, it’s not just about the numbers; this community thrives on collaboration and shares a vision of enhancing international ties and making a meaningful impact in higher education through EU-funded projects.


What is the EUF Project Manager and Advisor Community all about?

From insightful webinars to hands-on workshops, from sharing practical tips on project applications to delving into the intricacies of Erasmus+ project implementation – this community offers numerous avenues for exploration and cooperation. It comprises over 300 higher education professionals committed to making a difference, open to sharing their strategies for navigating the dynamic Erasmus+ KA2 projects landscape.

Experience and ideas are shared to empower each other through monthly sessions. Each session is tailored to disseminate knowledge, practices, and essential tools for succeeding in Erasmus+ projects. The content is driven by topics selected by the community members, ensuring a comprehensive exploration of every aspect of project development and execution.

Throughout the academic year, we organize 15 to 20 online sessions and workshops organized into two strands:

Strand 1: Project Implementation and Management, where we:

  • Explore key elements of effective project environments and managing international teams.
  • Dive into specific topics ranging from quality assurance and reporting to dissemination of project results, event organization, sustainability, and long-term impact.

Strand 2: Project Application Cycle with a Focus on Cooperation Partnership Projects, where we:

  • Collaborate in informal ideation and concept creation sessions.
  • Share ideas among community members and build consortia with a matching set of expertise.
  • Delve into specific Erasmus+ KA2 project rules and crucial phases/steps in designing a competitive application.
  • Explore topics that often need extra attention and consideration, such as recently updated rules and requirements for Erasmus+ KA2 calls.

Additionally, we organize the EUF Open Space every year – a physical event designed for networking among participants looking to drive change in higher education and mobility, exchanging ideas and experiences on challenges faced by the community.


Who can participate?

If you are a staff member from an EUF member university working with or interested in Erasmus+ projects, you are welcome to join us by registering for upcoming sessions. Whether you are an expert project manager or new to the world of Erasmus+ projects, your expertise and enthusiasm are valued in this community that thrives on knowledge sharing and collaborative synergy. Here, you will find like-minded professionals who share your enthusiasm for driving positive change through EU projects.


How do colleagues feel about their experience within the community?

Taking part in the EUF PM and Advisor Community was one of the best opportunities I had in my current position. Being able to discuss common challenges and solutions and to exchange good practices and ideas with colleagues from all over Europe that speak “the same language” has been highly valuable.

Moreover, the Community was the cradle of the most interesting project proposals we’ve been involved in recently. Definitely, a place not to miss when travelling around the world of EU project writing and management!

Ana Reis

Erasmus+ Projects Unit Coordinator, University of Porto

The EUF Project Manager and Advisor Community enabled me to exchange knowledge and experience on Erasmus+ projects with fellow Project Advisors through a very open and approachable way of working. Through the Community, our institutional practices were strengthened and expanded, thereby greatly assisting in the development of new joint Erasmus+ project proposals on a range of HEI internalisation topics with fellow EUF members.

Lotte Laenen

EU Project Advisor, Ghent University

The EUF Project Manager and Advisor Community has played an important part in the development of my ability to produce successful Erasmus+ proposals! It has given me the chance to learn from other community members and reflect on my own skills and expertise.

Marlene Kohllechner-Autto

Lapland University of Applied Sciences

EUF is a true family of European institutions and I am really proud to be part of EUF and its activities since the time I joined my current position last year. I find that there is a platform to showcase the skills and present all the ideas to innovate, explore and elaborate upon common values and come up with solutions to all challenges through joint actions.

Sreenath Pillai

Head of International Mobility & Erasmus+ Development Office, IMT Business School

The EUF Project Management and Advisor Community is a great network of several experienced colleagues in the fields of Higher Education and EU programmes. All members can benefit here from the shared information about project preparation and implementation, as well as good practices, which can support the internationalisation processes of each higher education institution.

Nóra Frank

International Coordinator, Department of Erasmus+ & International Programmes, Eötvös Loránd University