About us
The members of EUF are public universities that share a culture of academic excellence.
Together we have been in the forefront of European policy making for over a decade, promoting high quality student mobility and a strong European Higher Education area.
The stakeholders of the European University Foundation are its founding universities, who convene annually at the Council of Rectors meeting (General Assembly).
The General Assembly has the broadest powers to manage the Foundation’s activities and to undertake any acts in the interest and within the purpose of the Foundation. Each founding university has one vote in the General Assembly.
The General Assembly appoints the Steering Committee members, who work in close cooperation with the Executive Manager in overseeing the functioning and development of the EUF.
In addition, each founding university is represented by their EUF Coordinator. The EUF Coordinators convene annually to ensure efficient coordination of the network activities and they also elect a representative to the EUF Steering Committee.
Steering Committee

Dr. Yoan Vilain
President of the Steering Committee from the Humboldt University of Berlin

Prof. Valeria Costantino
Vice-President of the Steering Committee from the University of Naples Federico II

Vice-President of the Steering Committee from the Charles University
EUF Coordinator Representative
Mr. Andries Verspeeten – Ghent University
The Team
Meet the team here.