

MyAcademicID aims to establish a digital infrastructure that enables secure and seamless exchange of data to provide services related to student mobility in Europe.

Started: 2019

Funding: Connecting Europe Facility

Project budget: 1,386,185 EUR

Length: 2 years

Partners: 13

Led by the European University Foundation, MyAcademicID focused on developing a European Student eID for Higher Education. As early as 2020, this eID was implemented to allow students to identify and register themselves electronically on electronic student services to facilitate their student mobility processes.

The European Student eID for Higher Education is the result of the integration of eduGAIN and the European Student Identifier and the establishment of a digital bridge with the eIDAS interoperability framework.

Moreover, the project integrated the European student eID into three e-services: the Online Learning Agreement, the Erasmus+ Mobile App and the PhD Hub Platform. Additionally, the Croatian national student ID has adopted the European Student eID, showcasing how national identity providers can join this digital scheme on behalf of their students. Work has also been done to plan the future integration with Erasmus Without Paper.

The scalability of the project and the potential for integration of the European Student eID with a myriad of other student services, not only pave the way for seamless student mobility and a stronger, reinforced European student status throughout Europe, but make MyAcademicID a key component of the European Student Card Initiative spearheaded by the European Commission. The project was showcased by the European Commission as a success story of the Connecting Europe Facility.

Project partners: European University Foundation (EUF); Centre national des œuvres universitaires et scolaires (CNOUS); Géant Association; Swedish Research Council; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (UBER); University of Malaga (UMA); Réseau national de communications électroniques pour la technologie, l’enseignement et la recherche (RENATER); SRCE University of Zagreb; Fondazione ENDISU; Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH); Deutsches Studentenwerk (DSW); Ente per il Diritto allo studio Universitario dell’Università Cattolica (EDUCATT); and Direction Interministérielle du Numérique et des Systèmes d’Information et de Communication de l’état (DINSIC).