The main aim of the ERUM project was to develop a relevant transversal educational offer on the topic of “quality of information between mis- and disinformation today”.

Started: 2019

Funding: Erasmus+ Key Action 2

Project budget: 325,301 €

Length: 3 years

Partners: 7

The ERUM project aimed at developing a relevant transversal educational offer on the topic of “quality of information between mis- and disinformation today” for higher education students who contribute to the shaping of the present and future of the information and knowledge society. It also brought about a shift in the way higher education institutions and media are collaborating vis-a-vis evidence-based and research communication.

The core objectives of the project lied in the quality of information today, between mis- and disinformation or so-called “fake news”.

The improvement of the educational offer on the topic of quality of information in higher education was successfully carried out via the creation of student-centred learning modules. Available as Open Educational Resources on ERUM repository, the learning modules included innovative methodologies and reinforced students’ skills in connection to their role as democratic citizens as they built upon the DigComp and CDC frameworks. 

A structured collaboration between higher education and media was fostered with associated partners and individual journalists who  shared their experiences which informed the Guidelines for evidence-based communication. Moreover, the project contributed to the policy discussion about the role of universities and media in the knowledge and information society with the release of policy recommendations targeting all the main stakeholders involved, higher education institutions, journalists and policy makers.The resources produced in the framework of the project can be found on the project website.

Partners: University of Vienna (Austria), University of Alcalá (Spain), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), University of Versailles (France), Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania), Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus), EUF