Students today do not necessarily perceive mobility as the unique opportunity it once was. That is why it is crucial to understand the factors influencing them when they think about mobility options. The Reimagining the Erasmus Experience (REX) project seeks to provide students with more appealing information in line with contemporary expectations to help them choose their mobility destination.

Started: 2024

Funding: Erasmus+ Key Action 2

Project budget: 250.000,00 €

Length: 24 months

Partners: 5


The project aims to make mobility attractive again for the current generation of students. We need to understand their changing demands in order to meet their expectations and enable them to make an informed choice of mobility destinations, selecting those that better match their ambitions.

The number of students participating in Erasmus+ mobility is decreasing. This is partly due to the Covid-19 outbreak. But four years on, we think it is time for students to open up to new opportunities and apply for mobility.

The project is designed to understand students’ needs and motivations in order to present mobility as a more attractive option, that is more in line with the values of the new generation. An essential part of the concept is to use new technologies, such as VR, to enhance the user experience. It will encourage more students to participate in mobility and enable them to make better informed choices.

Following a review of the relevant literature, surveys and focus groups will be used to analyse the factors that influence students’ perceptions of Erasmus and their decisions on mobility destinations. The project will also develop a VR proof of concept to make the experience of selecting a mobility destination more informative and attractive. In addition, policy recommendations will be formulated to identify best practices to improve students’ mobility destination choices.

Project consortium: University of Maribor (coordinator), Izmir Institute of Technology (Turkey), Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (France), Hogskulen PA Vestlandet (Norway), and European University Foundation.