The main aim of the Teach with Erasmus+ project (TWE+) was to develop an online “Marketplace” for academic staff in order to facilitate, encourage, and promote teachers’ mobility across Europe.

Started: 2018

Funding: Erasmus+ Key Action 2

Project budget: 264,815 €

Length: 3 years

Partners: 5

Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility Platform:

The Teach with Erasmus+ project (TWE+) received funding from the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme under the project ID 2018-1-HU01-KA203-047818.

The aim of the TWE+ project was to create an online “Marketplace” for teaching staff in order to facilitate, encourage, and promote teachers’ mobility across Europe. This became an unprecedented and crucial innovation for the European Higher Education Area, which addressed some of the most pressing concerns and obstacles to teaching mobility in the European Union.

The project fulfilled this objective primarily by the development of an online platform (ETMP) where academic staff can meet online to offer their expertise for international partners and/or to invite fellow teachers for guest lecturing at their Higher Education Institutions. The ETMP will be a logical continuation of, the current platform providing a marketplace for staff mobility for training.

In addition, TWE+ contributed to the implementation of quality teaching mobility by creating an interactive database/catalogue, containing a wide array of teaching methods and pedagogical tools in order to support teachers’ mobility, and to raise the overall quality of international guest lectures for the students.

By collating and offering teachers’ expertise online for international partners, the volume, quality and accessibility of teaching mobilities are expected to increase.

The target group of this project are mainly higher education academic staff, and specifically junior profiles, as they are the main beneficiaries of the project outcomes. Students as well as administrative staff working with administering Erasmus+ staff mobility indirectly benefit from the project, as teaching quality will improve and administration of staff teaching mobilities will be reduced.

The intellectual outputs produced during the project can be found on the project website.

Partners: Eötvös Loránd University, University of Alcalá, Réseau des universités des capitales de l’Europe (UNICA), Institut polytechnique UniLaSalle, European University Foundation