

An EU funded project that strengthens cooperation between universities and companies while enhancing graduate employability.

Started: 2015

Funding: Erasmus+ Key Action 2

Project budget: 294,229 €

Length: 3 years

Partners: 10


The project #empl-oi, European Mobility Placements for Open Innovation, was a 2-year Strategic Partnership which aimed at strengthening cooperation between universities and companies while enhancing graduate employability.

Building upon the successful outcomes of the #europehome project and based on the increased cooperation among the partners’ tandems (universities and businesses), the project #empl-oi strived for improving the entrepreneurial skills of Higher Education students and worked together with the companies and universities to best define the current and upcoming needs of the labour market.

The creation of an e-learning platform enables the students to partake in online courses which ultimately will improve their understanding of entrepreneurship and enhance their employability. Several initiatives powered by the members of the partnerships aimed at raising awareness of the importance of those skills and deepening the University-Business cooperation in Europe. Practical guidelines as well as policy recommendations have contributed to develop more relevant study programmes and bring closer Higher Education and business.

Partners: University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, European University Foundation, University of Lodz, University of Naples Federico II, University of Alcalá, Vytautas Magnus University, Erasmus Student Network, Advanticsys, UAB Festo, Lithuanian business confederation.