
Higher Education surveys: have your say!

We are currently conducting two surveys in the framework of Erasmus+ projects European STEP and DocMob. Participate and help us improve the European Higher Education Area!

EAIE Geneva: the EUF’s digest

During the second week of September, the European University Foundation (EUF) participated in EAIE Geneva, one of the largest international higher education conferences.

Making a difference in the EHEA

The EUF member universities continue to work to make a difference in the European Higher Education Area with a successful round of newly-funded Erasmus+ projects!

Bergen said OLA to Erasmus+!

Bergen said OLA to Erasmus+!

The second “Erasmus Going Digital” conference took place at the University of Bergen on the 7th June 2018.

Digitisation latest news

Digitisation latest news

We are happy to announce the latest updates in the Erasmus+ App, Erasmus Dashboard and the Online Learning Agreement student platform!