by Isabel Catarino
HousErasmus+ aimed at mapping student accommodation solutions for international students. Started: 2015 Funding: Erasmus+ Key Action 3 Project budget: 499,982 € Length: 2 years Partners: 4 The project HousErasmus+ tackled an important obstacle for...
by Isabel Catarino
An EU funded project that aimed to simplify the mobility of higher education students and strengthen the social dimension of the European Higher Education Area. Started: 2016 Funding: Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Length: 3 years Partners: 8 The...
by Isabel Catarino
Campus Europae was a programme designed to set new standards of excellence in student mobility. Start: 2004 End: 2014 Participants: 1700 exchanges/year Academic staff involved: 150 Administrative staff: 40 Campus Europae was a programme designed...
by Isabel Catarino
Co4AIR project developed new course content and a pedagogical multimedia tool in the field of Computer, Cognition and Communication (Co3) in control, in order to improve the education materials with more practice involved. Started: 2018 Funding: Erasmus+ Key Action 2...
by Isabel Catarino
The Aiming to Educate by Promoting the Academic Dimension of Erasmus+ (AIMED) project will focus on creating an online platform providing a course catalogue for international students. Started: 2018 Funding: Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Project budget: 299,559 € Length: 2...