The EUF Coordinators met in Brussels

The EUF Coordinators met in Brussels

Our Brussels office hosted the autumn meeting of the EUF Coordinators on the 5th and 6th of November and the discussions focused on the most recent developments within the EUF network and notably the involvement of members in various European University Initiatives.

The Coordinators exchanged views on how the forthcoming programming period should address new challenges – such as introducing more environmental friendly practices, contributing to digitalisation initiatives, harmonising rules for international credit mobility, etc. – and shared their views with representatives from the European Commission. This fruitful exchange also helped to get practical insights in the process of getting ready for the new programming period.

The meeting also allowed to discuss the progress of ongoing network projects, with particular attention to the Erasmus Going Digital initiative. As several projects are set to become part of the Erasmus programme from 2021 onwards, a number of outstanding challenges were considered together, with a particular emphasis on ensuring the necessary capacity to live up to both their running costs and the universities expectations.