Ideation Sessions: From Ideas to Impactful Initiatives

Ideation Sessions: From Ideas to Impactful Initiatives

Online event for EUF universities

Dates: October 10th and 31st, 10:30AM – 12:00PM CET

Registration is open to Erasmus+ project coordinators and applicants (KA2, KA3), project advisors, and staff members from project units/departments from EUF network universities.


This series of online sessions is designed to collectively conceptualise project ideas within the Erasmus+ KA2 context. The ideation sessions provide an informal and creative space to kickstart transformative projects and are tailored for university colleagues, academics, and project managers who seek to make a positive impact in higher education. Through collaborative group discussions and various ideation and brainstorming processes, we will take the initial steps to shape project ideas in line with the Erasmus+ calls. Whether you have concrete ideas or simply want to contribute to the process, you are welcome to join.

Session Highlights:

  • Identifying Gaps and Needs in Higher Education: Focus on pinpointing areas that require attention and innovation.
  • Ideation and Proposal Conceptualisation: Use techniques that encourage creative thinking, sharpen solution focus, and structure ideas into well-defined concept notes.
  • Collaborative Synergy: Connect with peers to jointly develop potential solutions to the identified needs and gaps.