The new functions of the Erasmus+ App from an institutional perspective

The new functions of the Erasmus+ App from an institutional perspective

How can universities support student mobility by means of the new features of the Erasmus+ App? More than 2,200 people followed the webinar on the 21st of October!

One of the novelties is that the digital European Student Card (ESC) can be generated in the Erasmus+ App, which already made the headlines a month ago following the launch conference for students (read more on the EC press release here). Creating the digital ESC requires only two things: that the students use eduGAIN, which allows them to login in with their own university user account and password, and that the university uses the European Student Identifier (ESI) as part of the academic attributes that are released in their eduGAIN mechanism.

During the webinar, participants learned in practical terms how Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem – ELTE University successfully rolled out the ESI, thus allowing all their students to generate the digital ESCs via the App. The good practice was presented from both an IRO and IT perspective, highlighting the importance of cooperation. Several tips and links to useful resources were also shared with the participants and will be made available in the Competence Centre.

Colleagues from the European Commission DG EAC joined the discussion and answered the most burning questions from the broader context of the European Student Card Initiative.

The second part of the webinar was devoted to the application for the Erasmus+ mobility module. Participants were able to follow a step-by-step demo illustrating how the Erasmus+ applications can be submitted in the App and managed by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the institutional back-end. ESN led the demo from the students’ side, showing how students can browse through their options, evaluate where they can apply, and submit their applications. The institutions’ side was showcased by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, which led the development of this module in the Erasmus Dashboard that lets HEIs set their requirements for the process, manage the application information, and nominate the students who would go abroad.

You can rewatch the recorded webinar on EUF Youtube channel.

To learn more, follow the updates in the Competence Centre.