Erasmus+ Crossroads
Erasmus+ Crossroads is an initiative which strives to build a comprehensive training offer for higher education staff by building on existing training activities. Rooted in shared principles, trainings under the Erasmus+ Crossroads label are competence and skills oriented. Erasmus+ Crossroads creates an environment where expertise is shared and amplified. To this end, participants will receive digital certificates, outlining the competences developed during the training events.
Embracing different training formats, Crossroads events may be face-to-face, blended or simply online.
Who can take part?
Each member institution of the EUF network, organising an Erasmus+ Crossroads training event, will provide preferential access to staff members from other EUF members and their strategic partners beyond the network.
Call for Expression of Interest
EUF member universities offering staff training programmes with practical, tangible learning outcomes are invited to apply for the Erasmus+ Crossroads label. Selected programmes will benefit from enhanced visibility within the EUF network and will be featured in the Erasmus+ Crossroads Spring 2025 catalogue. For more information on selection criteria and how to apply, please click here.
Upcoming events
Enhancing Student Employability for a Rapidly Changing World – Opportunities and Challenges for European Universities, April 28th – May 2nd, University of Limerick (Registration deadline: February 28th)
- Strengthening Partnerships through Erasmus Cooperation Projects (BIP, 2nd edition), April 28th & May 5th – 9th, University of Cadiz (Registration deadline: March 24th)
Content marketing for university branding, June 11th – 13th, Ghent University (Registration deadline: March 10th)
- Digital Week, June 16th – 20th, Côte d’Azur University
Past events
- Critical Thinking Integration: COIL and AI Tools for HE Enhancement (University of Latvia)
- Training on Project Management (University of Porto)
Bridging the Generation Gap in Higher Education (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
ELTE Intercultural Staff Training (Eötvös Loránd University)
- Lump sum funding in Erasmus+ projects: practice, lessons, impact ( Ghent University)