
The EUF Coordinators met in Brussels

The EUF Coordinators met in Brussels

Our Brussels office hosted the autumn meeting of the EUF Coordinators and the discussions focused on the most recent developments within the EUF network

Traineeship positions open

Traineeship positions open

The EUF has 2 internship positions open for students or recent graduates in the areas of communication and policy & projects.

8th Erasmus Salon

8th Erasmus Salon

About 30 people gathered last October 7th at the Brasserie Tennessee in Brussels to debate the role that the Erasmus programme has played in fostering active citizenship in Europe.

A strong Finnish: 5 takeaways from #EAIE2019!

A strong Finnish: 5 takeaways from #EAIE2019!

We have summarised for you the takeaways of key sessions on the digitisation of Erasmus+, career development and staff competencies for IROs and the internationalisation of PhD education.

DoCENT final conference was held in Naples

DoCENT final conference was held in Naples

The audience of teacher educators and teachers experienced a practical and theoretical demonstration of the DoCENT outputs. Read more about the tools available to you!

University partnerships – quantity or quality?

University partnerships – quantity or quality?

We have conducted a research on the topic in the context of the Erasmus+ funded project, looking at how universities collect data to measure the quality of partnerships.

New EUF website!

Welcome to the new EUF website! We have been working on our new web pages for several months to provide you with brand new sections, better navigation and a more user-friendly experience.

OpenU Policy Dialogue

OpenU Policy Dialogue

The first Policy Dialogue in the frame of OpenU project took place in Riga on the 8th July and welcomed the 6 Ministries involved in the OpenU project.

3 Staff Training opportunities coming soon!

3 Staff Training opportunities coming soon!

Whether your work focuses on welcoming international students, managing inter-institutional partnerships or if you would like to start your own Erasmus+ funded project, registrations are open for 3 staff trainings taking place in June and July!