
EWP 1st Technical Workshop

On the 21st and 22nd of March a “technical workshop” about Erasmus without Paper took place in Brussels.

Erasmus+ review at the European Parliament

The hearing was organised by the EPP Group and was attended by over 100 participants, including HEIs, NGOs representatives and officials from the European Parliament and European Commission.

The EUF receives an Erasmus+ award

The EUF receives an Erasmus+ award

On the past 10th of December 2015, the Online Learning Agreement (OLA) project was awarded an Erasmus+ “Education and Training” trophy.

Erasmus+ 1st year review

How does Erasmus+ fare after its first year of existence? The European University Foundation and the Erasmus Student Network have carried out a policy review.

Summer School 2015

Summer School 2015

In August 2015 the 5th Management of Innovation Summer School took place in Thessaloniki, Greece.

Renewed cooperation with ESN

The European University Foundation met with the ESN Board to take stock and discuss future strategic cooperation.

Launch of the EUF Project Incubator

The EUF Project Incubator was formally brought to life at the University of Latvia, in the beginning of this month. Nine members of the network gathered in Riga to build a network of trusted partners in this face-to-face meeting.