3 Staff Training opportunities coming soon!

3 Staff Training opportunities coming soon!

Whether your work focuses on welcoming international students, managing inter-institutional partnerships or if you would like to start your own Erasmus+ funded project, registrations are open for 3 staff trainings taking place in June and July! International Student...
The EUF Council of Rectors meeting took place in Ghent.

The EUF Council of Rectors meeting took place in Ghent.

The EUF Council of Rectors, the highest decision-making body of the network, gathered at Ghent University on the 12th of March 2019 for its annual meeting. During the meeting, conducted by Prof. Ariadni Stogiannidou, Prof. Maria Gravari-Barbas and Prof. Ina Druviete,...
EUF Open Space 2019: registrations open!

EUF Open Space 2019: registrations open!

We are pleased to announce that the 5th EUF Open Space, our annual project incubator for EU funding in Higher Education, will take place at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ) from the 3rd to the 5th of July 2019. ...
Erasmus Without Paper Network Launched!

Erasmus Without Paper Network Launched!

Erasmus Without Paper (EWP), an initiative aiming to digitalise the currently paper-based workflow from the Erasmus+ mobility process, has been launched on the 12th and 13th December at a conference hosted by the Ghent University. The project, by the European...