Key Highlights from EUF’s Participation at EAIE 2024 in Toulouse

Key Highlights from EUF’s Participation at EAIE 2024 in Toulouse

Last week, the EUF participated in the EAIE Conference in Toulouse, an enriching experience filled with opportunities to connect, share insights, and cultivate collaborations across the network. The event addressed critical themes in international higher education, including sustainability, digitalisation, inclusion, mental health, and cross-border partnerships.

Reconnecting Through Networking

Networking played a crucial role throughout the event, with EUF members taking every opportunity to reconnect with colleagues and form new partnerships. The lively reception brought together familiar faces and new acquaintances, providing a welcoming space for informal discussions and fostering a strong sense of community within the network.

Sustainability in Student Mobility

A key highlight of the conference was the poster session for the SET project, titled “Elevating Students’ Green Skills Through Sustainable Travel”. This session sparked lively discussions about how universities can encourage students to adopt eco-friendly travel practices for their mobility journeys. Attendees shared ideas on the tangible resources and support needed to turn these ambitions into reality, reflecting a collective commitment to a greener future. In addition to these discussions, the poster was voted as best in its time slot.

Digitalising Erasmus+ Grant Management

The MEGA project poster, “The MEGA Project: Digitalising the Erasmus+ Grants Payment System,” also gained recognition, voted as the best in its session. The poster showcased an innovative solution for managing Erasmus+ grants. By streamlining payments, the MEGA digital tool promises to benefit both administrative staff and mobile students by ensuring timely disbursements

A Truly Inclusive Student Mobility Experience

Financial constraints, family commitments, and feelings of insecurity are among the main barriers that discourage students from participating in mobility opportunities. During the Erasmus for All session, the focus was on how to make mobility more inclusive. A proposal for a more inclusive calculation of Erasmus+ mobility grants was presented, along with stakeholder feedback to guide the future direction of the project. 

Focus on Mental Health

Mental health was another significant topic addressed at the conference. The EUF team shared insights on the challenges faced by mobile students and emphasised the need for robust support systems. The discussion resonated with many attendees, as the issue of mental health aligns with broader efforts to improve the overall student experience in an increasingly mobile world.

Switzerland’s Position in Erasmus+

Another key session led by the EUF addressed Switzerland’s evolving relationship with the Erasmus+ programme. The session brought together Swiss and European higher education stakeholders to discuss ongoing negotiations with the European Commission, emphasising the potential benefits of Switzerland rejoining EU programmes. 

Digitalisation of Erasmus+

Digitalisation was another key focus. Insights from the European Commission and partners involved in current developments offered an overview of ongoing initiatives and future plans. The ensuing discussion allowed participants to exchange ideas on the challenges higher education institutions face when integrating their systems into the digital ecosystem and adapting their workflows to the demands of a rapidly digitising world. 

In summary, the EUF’s presence at EAIE 2024 was defined by engaging sessions, award-winning posters, and valuable discussions. The insights gained and connections forged will continue to inspire the network efforts to enhance student experiences and promote international cooperation in higher education.


EUF Networking Reception at the EAIE2024


Poster Session “Elevating Students’ Green Skills through Sustainable Travel to Their Mobility Destination


Poster Session “Mind the road – mental health of international students”


Session “On our way to widening access to student mobility: Inclusion initiatives in Erasmus+ and the way forward”


Fishbowl session “Switzerland’s decade outside Erasmus+ programme – what have we learned and what is the way forward?”