Mastering Project Design in Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships

Mastering Project Design in Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships

Online event for EUF universities

Dates: January 9th, 202510:30AM – 12:30PM CET

Registration is open to Erasmus+ project coordinators and applicants (KA2, KA3), project advisors, and staff members from project units/departments from EUF network universities.


Once your project concept is clear and the consortium is established, the real work begins. Designing a coherent architecture of activities, tasks, and roles is pivotal in steering your proposal towards success. Decisions made in this phase, and the overall quality of project design, directly impact your ability to achieve project goals.

In this online workshop, we will therefore share effective practices and highlight common pitfalls. Additionally, we will focus on the key steps that enable you to structure your project proposal, ensuring a clear and coherent path towards achieving your desired impact.

Session highlights

  • Project Design Strategies: Methods to employ during the project design phase to create a logical flow towards achieving your project goals, as well as approaches to ensure a logical and cohesive structure of project activities.
  • Detailed Planning: Techniques for planning project activities and establishing a realistic timeline.
  • Case Studies and Practices: Examples from past Erasmus+ projects that demonstrate how to plan and structure your project activities.