EUF Goes to EAIE2024!

EUF Goes to EAIE2024!

The EUF team is excited to announce our participation in the 34th Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition taking place in the beautiful city of Toulouse, France from the 17th to 20th of September. 

Exclusive Warm-Up Session

Ahead of the Conference, we invite our members to join an exclusive warm-up online session on September 5th at 10:30-12:00 CEST. This session is designed to equip you with valuable tips and tricks to make the most out of your participation at the conference. This will be especially useful for those attending EAIE for the first time, but more experienced participants are also welcome to join and share their experience! 

EUF Network Reception

Furthermore, we will organise a EUF Network Reception reserved for participants from EUF member institutions and our partners on September 17 from 18:00 to 21:00 CEST. This exclusive gathering will offer a fantastic opportunity to network and connect with colleagues and partners in a relaxed setting.

Please register for any of these events through this registration form. Please keep in mind that, while participation in the warm-up session is open to any staff from member HEIs, participation in the EUF network reception might be capped due to capacity constraints. 

Meet our Team during the conference

We warmly invite member representatives attending the EAIE to contact us if they would like to book a bilateral meeting with us on Wednesday or Thursday. This is a great opportunity to discuss collaboration, share insights, and strengthen our network.

You can also find our EUF colleagues or members contributing to or leading various sessions facilitated by the network throughout the conference:

Wednesday, 18th of September

13:30 – 14:30 Katrīna Sproģe will chair the Fishbowl session “Switzerland’s decade outside Erasmus+ programme – what have we learned and what is the way forward?” to have a closer look at how the Swiss higher education community has dealt with international cooperation over the last decade and if the political winds are changing. [S3.12]

13:30 – 14:30 In the Ignite Session “Innovations in student and staff mobilityLuca Alexa Erdei from Eötvös Loránd University will highlight the work done in the Erasmus Gap project, assessing how effective the inclusion agendas in higher education mobility are and aims to examine from an international point of view and draw attention to the existing gap among students with realistic opportunities for mobility and those without. [S3.11]

14:30 – 16:00 Federica Bartolozzi and Ignacio Bravo from the University of Alcalá will present a poster titled  “From skills identification to formal recognition: a roadmap for improving transversal skills training in PhD education”. The poster will raise awareness on the importance of embedding transversal skills training in doctoral curricula: it will present best practices on how to identify skills needs, develop dedicated courses and facilitate skills recognition through the use of digital credentials. [123]  

Thursday, 19th of September

9:30 – 10:30 In the session “Towards the institutional impact of outgoing staff mobility: Why’s & How’s Katrīna Sproģe will share examples of how higher education institutions are looking beyond the individual’s experience and addressing the wider benefits of staff mobility. [S5.13]

10:30 – 12:00 During the poster session “Elevating Students’ Green Skills through Sustainable Travel to Their Mobility Destination”, Salome Dermati and Ana Paiva from the University of Porto will trigger a discussion on how international experiences can foster personal growth and a sense of responsibility towards the planet. [213]

10:30 – 12:00 With the “Mind the road – mental health of international students” poster Anikó Makkai-Kovács will raise awareness on the importance of breaking down the stigma related to mental health issues and share some insight about a mini study conducted  on the topic of mental health issues associated with study abroad experience. [207]

10:30 – 12:00 Helena Alves and Benedetta Gennaro from TU Darmstadt will present the poster “Breaking the inclusion glass ceiling of Erasmus+” highlighting concrete examples and present proposals on how the Erasmus+ programme could cater for greater diversity [222]

11:30 – 12:30 Valère Meus will chair the session “Erasmus Without Paper: A Tale of Transforming Erasmus+ Administration”, where Joachim Wyssling will share news from the developments of the digitalisation process underway. [S6.01]

11:30 – 12:30 Jan Borm from Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines will chair the session “Active ageing: the place of seniors in international higher education” together with Ana Cosic from University of Split and Luca Alexa Erdei from Eötvös Loránd University. During the session they will showcase practical examples how intergenerational learning can be implemented through short transnational intensive programmes and online courses. [S6.08]

14:30 – 16:00 Anikó Makkai-Kovács along with Donato Lorubio and Vanessa Deweer from University of Lorraine will present the poster “The MEGA project: Digitalising the Erasmus+ grants payment system” will showcase how to optimise Erasmus+ grant management and eliminate delays in grant payments, offering significant benefits to both administrative staff, and mobile students. [304]

Friday, 20th of September

10:30 – 11:30 Helena Alves will chair the session “On our way to widening access to student mobility: Inclusion initiatives in Erasmus+ and the way forward”, together with Luísa Capitão from the University of Porto and Svava Berglind Finsen from the European Commission. The session will explore what challenges students are facing when considering going abroad and how to tackle them on a European level. [S10.08]


We are looking forward to seeing you in Toulouse!