Erasmus Going Entrepreneurial conference

Erasmus Going Entrepreneurial conference

As part of a series of events under the overarching topic of University-Business cooperation, the first Erasmus Going Entrepreneurial (EGE) conference will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece on December 10th.

The conference will be an opportunity to learn more about practical tools and solutions to strengthen collaboration between Academia and Industry, share experiences, gain new insights and establish partnerships at transnational and trans-sectoral level.

During the conference, examples of innovative solutions that aim to facilitate impactful, mutually-beneficial and skills-focussed placements for BA, MA and PhD students will be shared. We will discuss the nature of placements in startups and will look into how to further increase the accessibility and quality of Erasmus+ placements by engaging in meaningful cooperation with European incubators.

Registration and more information about the event is available here.