The EUF is involved in four exciting new projects that have recently been launched or are just starting.
The Erasmus for All project aims to lay the foundations for an evolution of the Erasmus+ grant system and help to make it a truly inclusive programme available for all students. Over the next three years, other scholarship funding models will be examined. The interdisciplinary scientific working group will propose methodologies to design a more inclusive grant scheme, which will be tested on a small group. A policy paper will summarise the conclusions.
The Erasmus+ 60 project takes a different approach to equality, concentrating on senior citizens. It focuses on the third-age universities concept and the intergenerational learning experience. Existing HE offers for learners above 60 will be analysed and pilot courses will be developed. Policy recommendations will be drawn on the project results to open new and more systematic educational perspectives for senior citizens.
The WISE project aims to contribute to the well-being of students in Europe, as a factor for academic success and attractiveness of higher education institutions. Activities will include sharing innovative practices, developing training materials and formulating policy recommendations.
The Million of Erasmus Grants (MEGA) project aims to create and develop a digital tool that will simplify the management of Erasmus+ mobility grants at the university level and secure the payment of these grants to the students concerned, both in terms of accuracy and calendar.
Photo by Clemens van Lay on Unsplash